Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Wednesday!!

All day at work today all i was thinking about was my blog and how excited i was! Everyone at work thought i was silly for being so excited! But it is the small things that get us through the day right?!!? I was thinking about some topics of things i can blog books for book club, working out and training for different runs etc., movies that i have seen that i like, family and friends, and of course all of my great dating mishaps! The dating mishaps will probably be the funniest and i cant wait to share them with you all.

For today, i will blog about how excited I am for softball season to start for Special Olympics. I have played softball/fast pitch since kindergarten. I love the sport with all of my heart. However in my old age...hehehe...i find that just standing in the outfield or on the side lines cheering is my favorite. Oh and i guess hitting (who doesn't love that). okay and really not even standing in the outfield...because then if a ball is hit to me, i will most likely drop it (i still haven't adjusted to the glasses and playing yet) and then i will look silly and i will try to blame it on the sun...which is a my favorite part is actually batting and standing on the side lines cheering. But reguardless i am pretty excited for it to start. I love being around the partners and atheletes. It makes my heart happy! I love the smell of freshly cut grass and i am keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't rain for our first practice!! I will keep you posted with the progress of our season and hopefully post some pictures of our tournament in June! I am actually off to sort all of the medical forms for the coaches for the summer sports that all start next week, just one of the duties i have being the Medical Coordinator for Benton County Special Olympics (and by far my least favorite task) :(

Enjoy your night all! And thank you to all my followers! PEACE!


  1. Your blog is so very cute!! Can't wait to read more and more! I read some much that I have thought about creating a blog just to blog about what I have read. Maybe I will....:)

  2. Love that you have a blog, and I am excited to hear all about your life these days! I love that you are so involved in special olympics, sounds fun for all!

  3. im so excited that you have a blog now shelby! Cant wait for Relay!
